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Updated August 16, 2021

Please urge the Supreme Court Chief Justice of Canada to accept John Graham’s appeal (hand written letters are preferred, rather than e-mails). It should be stressed that the case is a matter of national importance. Letters should also be written to the justice critics of the oppostion parties.

You can send hard copy letters for free, no stamp required, to MPs' and Ministers' House of Commons address. Please also write to your MP, asking them to write to the Ministers and Parliamentary Secretary. Look up your MP here.

House of Commons
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

1) Right Honourable Justin Trudeau (justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca)
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-4211
Fax: 613-947-0310

Constituency Office
Main office - Montréal
1100 Crémazie East
Suite 220
Montréal, Quebec
H2P 2X2
Telephone: 514-277-6020
Fax: 514-277-3454

2) Honourable Rob Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Rob.Oliphant@parl.gc.ca)
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-2855
Fax: 613-995-1635

Constituency Office
1670 Bayview Avenue
Suite 310
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 3C2
Telephone: 416-467-7275
Fax: 416-467-8550

3) Honourable David Lametti, Justice Minister (David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca)
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-943-6636
Fax: 613-943-6637

Constituency Office
Main office - Montréal
6415 Monk Blvd.
Montréal, Quebec
H4E 3H8
Telephone: 514-363-0954
Fax: 514-367-5533

4) Honourable Marc Garneau, Foreign Minister (marc.garneau@parl.gc.ca)
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-996-7267
Fax: 613-995-8632

Constituency Office
Main office - Westmount
4060 Sainte-Catherine Street West
Suite 340
Westmount, Quebec
H3Z 2Z3
Telephone: 514-283-2013
Fax: 514-283-9790

It is also helpful to send a signed hard-copy of your letter opposing John Graham's extradition to the following address:

Honourable David Lametti, Justice Minister (David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca)
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-943-6636
Fax: 613-943-6637

Sample Letter


Dear Honourable [MP's First Name, Last Name],

Will you help bring innocent Yukon Indigenous John Graham home from South Dakota? See retired MP Honourable Libby Davies' letter and Honourable Elizabeth May's letter. Prominent First Nation support is here.

Will you talk to Amnesty International's Dr. Jennifer Wade 604-263-4727 about this? John's lawyer is Marilyn Sandford QC 604-684-0778.

Mr. Graham was wrongfully extradited in 2007 to South Dakota, then wrongfully convicted of Nova Scotia's Anna Mae Aquash's still unsolved murder. Will you do everything necessary to immediately repatriate John Graham? Canada's sincere commitment to UNDRIP and the TRC process requires freedom for Canada's Indigenous political prisoners and decarceration for all disproportionately imprisoned Indigenous.

See Vancouver Sun's "Ian Mulgrew: Ghost Dancers Return to Haunt BC Supreme Court" and "Who Killed Anna Mae?"

Gratefully, [Name, Title, Address]