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Letter from Wolverene, Secwepemc Elder, Secwepemc Nation, south-central British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, February 6th 2005

On February 21, 2005, Judge Elizabeth Bennet will make her decision on the extradition of John Graham who is charged by the U.S. government for the murder of Anne Mae Aquash.

I endorse the John Graham Defence campaign and encourage everyone to help out in any way they can.

The United States is responsible for the murder of 67 of our people in Pine Ridge, including Anne Mae Aquash.

These people might still be alive today if not for the U.S. government‘s programme of harassment and assassination against our people who were fighting for their lives and land.

On February 6, 1976, Leonard Peltier was arrested for extradition to the U.S. on charges for the deaths of two FBI agents at Jumping Bull Ranch œJune 26, 1975.

The day of Jumping Bull shoot-out, 1/8th of the Pine Ridge Reservation was signed over for uranium exploration and extraction on 133 000 acres of land.

This struggle continues today. John Graham was active in fighting uranium mining in South Dakota, Saskatchewan, and B.C. for ten years.

Our people in the trenches should not be handed over to our enemies.
