December 16, 2003

December 16, 2003

TO: All American Indian Movement Affiliates, Members, Support Groups, Friends and Supporters

RE: An Urgent Appeal for Financial Support for the Arlo Looking Cloud Defense Fund

On behalf of Joe American Horse, Sr. and Selo Black Crow, grandfathers of Arlo Looking Cloud, the Bull Bear and Looking Cloud families, we are making an urgent appeal for your financial support for the defense of Arlo Looking Cloud.

Arlo was arrested on March 27, 2003 as he was seen walking down Colfax Avenue by a Denver, Colorado police detective, Abe Alonzo, following a federal grand jury indictment on charges of being involved in the death of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, a member of the Micmaq First Nation of Nova Scotia, Canada, whose body was found on the Pine Ridge Reservation in February of 1976, 27 years ago.

At that time the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s forensic pathologist, W.O. Brown of Scottsbluff, Nebraska attributed her death to exposure. She was interred as an unidentified person. The Pictou-Aquash family having not heard from Anna Mae, and hearing of this incident, then contacted the American Indian Movement requesting assistance to have the body exhumed. Attorneys assisting the family then went before a federal judge who ordered an exhumation. The attorneys also arranged for an independent examination, which was performed by forensic pathologist, Dr. Gary Peterson on staff at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His findings ascertained that her death was caused by a gunshot wound to the head, and that her hands were missing. When asked, FBI pathologist W.O. Brown stated that FBI agents who were present during his examination directed him to sever her hands, and according to FBI agents, they were sent to FBI laboratories in Washington, D.C. One would have to ask the question, why the FBI cover-up?

This misinformation campaign is a continuation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s covert extra judicial programs that first targeted the American Indian Movement by the Nixon administration during the Trail of Broken Treaties March of Washington D.C. in 1972, and during the struggle at Wounded Knee in 1973. These programs involved the recruitment of extremist informants, agent provocateurs, and mercenaries, Indians and non-Indians alike to infiltrate the American Indian Movement for the purpose of misrepresenting, misdirecting, disrupting, and discrediting its leadership in an effort to neutralize the Movement. The Bureau of Indian Affairs Police, and the FBI also implemented a program to train, arm, finance, and direct their mercenaries to unleash a campaign of terror against the American Indian Movement, the Oglala Lakota Oyate (people), friends and supporters at Wounded Knee, and across the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

This program led to numerous assaults and murders of Indian people such as the FBI/BIA sniper killing of Vietnam veteran, Buddy LaMont, and Frank Clearwater at Wounded Knee. Also the murders of Anita Wilcox, Byron DeSersa, Pedro Bissonette, Jeanette Bissonette, and Jancita Eagle Deer. Jancita Eagle Deer was found dead on a Nebraska highway while in the company of FBI agent/operative, Doug Durham who was exposed by the American Indian Movement. Additionally, a BIA sniper with Bureau of Indian Affairs policeman, Robert Ecoffey present, murdered Joe Stuntz in the aftermath of the gunfight at the Jumping Bull residence on June 26, 1975 that was sparked by FBI extremist informants, which also led to the deaths of FBI Agents, Ronald Williams and Jack Coler.

Along with Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash, these are just a few of many people who lost their lives during the FBI/mercenary reign of terror unleashed by the FBI and BIA police during that period of time. There have been no grand juries called, nor has the United States Justice Department investigated any of these murders.

Along with Arlo Looking Cloud, who is a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, there is a second person, John Graham, who has been indicted, and is a citizen of the Champagne Aishihik First Nation Yukon, Canada and is also a citizen of Canada. John Graham has been apprehended by Canadian authorities and is currently being held in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is expected to fight extradition to the United States. A third person, who has not been indicted, is an elderly woman and also a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation. She resides in a convalescent home suffering from a stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease. All three have consistently maintained their innocence.

Under the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and the Judicial System, a person is to be cloaked with a mantle of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. While most of the mainstream non-Indian media, newspapers, television, and radio journalists uphold the highest standards of journalism in that they almost always refuse to print or publish information based on rumors, innuendos, conjecture, misinformation, gossip, half-truths, and lies. While most journalists of the Native American media also uphold these high standards, I am sorry to say that over the past several years I have observed that some journalists of the Indian media have lowered the bar of journalistic standards. The result has been to cloak these Indian people in a mantle of guilt rather than a mantle of innocence even before a South Dakota, all-white jury, a jury not consisting of their peers would pass judgment in a court of law.

Mr. Joe American Horse, Sr., grandfather of Arlo Looking Cloud and a revered and respected elder and Chief of the Oglala Lakota people stated on September 17, 2003, “Our hearts go out to the Pictou/Aquash family over the loss of their loved one. However, my grandson is entitled to a fair trial. I am not a lawyer, nor have any training in Law school. But I do know this. There are two types of litigation in a Court of Law. They are Civil and Criminal. In civil action; it is the prepondence of evidence. In criminal action; it is beyond reasonable doubt. And if a crime is committed 28 years ago, you have to have very strong evidence(s) to get a conviction on circumstantial evidence. My grandson is innocent of these charges…”

While, Hollywood actor, Robert Blake is out on bail facing first-degree murder charges, Arlo Looking Cloud is not so fortunate. Arlo is the victim of America’s chemical warfare. He has been on the streets of Denver, Colorado for the past 28 years suffering the effects of alcoholism. He had no reason to run. He had nothing to hide. The Denver Police and a federal marshal knew where he was all the time. In any upcoming trial, the evidence will show that on several occasions they gave Arlo money for alcohol, and then tried to intimidate him. He needs to be released on bond pending trial so that he can receive proper treatment, counseling and medical care.

It is our hope that somewhere out there someone would have the resources to post his bail. While we Indian people are rich in terms of spiritual and cultural traditions, many of us, including the Looking Cloud family are indigent and remain locked into chronic cycles of poverty.

As tragic as the death of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash is, it would also be a tragedy if Arlo was denied a fair trial because of the lack of funds. It has been said that under the American judicial system, justice cannot be acquired on the basis of guilt or innocence when a person is charged with a crime, but rather on the basis of how much money the defendant has. Consequently, we appeal to all people worldwide to contribute to the defense of Arlo Looking Cloud. Please email and/or mail this appeal to as many people who may want to contribute to this cause.


The Family of Arlo Looking Cloud:
Mr. Joe American Horse, Jr.
P.O. Box 941
Pine Ridge, South Dakota 57770
(605) 867-5242

Mrs. Lucile Bull Bear
P.O. Box 524
Kyle, South Dakota 57752
(605) 455-1138

Send your contributions to:
The Looking Cloud Defense Fund
Attention: Lucille Bull Bear

For Money Transfer, the Bank Routing Number is
Wells Fargo Bank NA
825 St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
Telephone: 605-394-3883